This clarification text contains information about how we process and protect your personal data processed by ALMED Hearing Aids Sales and Application Center (“ALMED”) within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and relevant legislation.

Data Controller: ALMED is the data controller in accordance with KVKK. In this context, ALMED is the organization that determines the purposes of processing your personal data and bears responsibility in this regard.

Purpose of Processing Personal Data: ALMED processes your personal data in order to carry out its activities such as supplying, selling, applying hearing aids and ensuring customer satisfaction. In this process, your personal data is used for purposes such as providing you with better service, informing you about campaigns and events, and making suggestions for your hearing health.

Personal Data Collection Method and Legal Reason: Your personal data can be provided by you through ALMED’s official website, mobile applications, call center, branches and other communication channels, or can be collected automatically through these channels. These data are processed to provide the services necessary to carry out the hearing aid supply, sale and application processes.

Sharing of Personal Data with Related Parties: ALMED may share your personal data with business partners, suppliers, legal regulators and other relevant parties in order to fulfill business processes and provide you with better service. However, these sharing processes are carried out within the framework of KVKK and relevant legislation and your privacy is taken into consideration.

Rights of Personal Data Owner: Within the scope of KVKK, among the rights granted to you as personal data owners; You have rights such as learning whether your personal data is being processed, accessing your personal data, requesting correction or deletion of personal data, objecting to the processing, and requesting that third parties to whom personal data are transferred be informed. You can contact ALMED to exercise these rights.

Security and Storage: ALMED takes the necessary technical and organizational measures to keep your personal data safe and protected against unauthorized access. Additionally, your personal data is stored only for the period necessary for the specified purposes.

This information text contains general information about how ALMED processes your personal data. You can contact ALMED to get more detailed information or to exercise your rights.

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